TCO 2019 (Cristiana Di Valentin)
Invited talk by Cristiana Di Valentin
“Theory of oxides and interfaces”
EMRS Fall meeting 2019 (Cristiana Di Valentin)
Invited talk by Cristiana Di Valentin
“Modeling photo and electro nanocatalysts for water splitting in water”
JEMS-Joint European Magnetic Symposia (Hongsheng Liu)
The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS)
Contributed oral by Hongsheng Liu
"Insights into magnetite bulk, surface and nanoparticles by first-principles"
III International Baltic Conference on Magnetism 2019 (Hongsheng Liu)
The III International Baltic Conference on Magnetism: focus on nanobiomedicine and smart materials (IBCM)
Contributed oral by Hongsheng Liu
"Insights into magnetite bulk, surface and nanoparticles by first-principles"
CPMD Meeting 2019 (Martina Datteo)
Attendance to the CPMD Meeting - Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Dynamics
ISTCP 2019 (Moloud Kaviani)
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics
Poster contribution by Moloud Kaviani
"Rational design of nanosystems for simultaneous drug delivery and photodynamic therapy by quantum mechanical modeling"
NANO KOREA 2019 (Moloud Kaviani)
The 17th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition
Contributed oral by Moloud Kaviani
"Unraveling Dynamical and Light Effects on Functionalized Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Bioconjugation"
Graphene 2019 (Honghsheng Liu)
9th European Conference & Exhibition in Graphene and 2D Materials
Poster contribution by Honghsheng Liu
"Nature of excitons in bidimensional WSe2 by Hybrid Density Functional Theory Calculations"
Workshop on Electron-Density-Based Approaches 2019 (Costanza Ronchi)
Poster contribution by Costanza Ronchi
""Unraveling Dynamical and Light Effects on Functionalized Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Bioconjugation"
Women in Science (Cristiana Di Valentin)
Invited talk by Cristiana Di Valentin
“Modeling Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications”
Nanomedicine 2019 (Cristiana Di Valentin)
Invited talk by Cristiana Di Valentin
“Modeling Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications”
DPG Spring Meeting (Costanza Ronchi)
Contributed oral by Costanza Ronchi
"Proton Transfers at a Dopamine-Functionalized TiO2 Interface"
Nasini Workshop 2019 (Cristiana Di Valentin)
Invited talk by Cristiana Di Valentin
“Modeling Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications”
ECOSS34 (Hongsheng Liu)
The 34th European Conference on Surface Science which took place at the Scandinavian Congress Centre
Contributed oral by Hongsheng Liu
"Bulk and (001) surface Fe3O4: electronic properties and water adsorption"
ECOSS34 (Martina Datteo)
The 34th European Conference on Surface Science which took place at the Scandinavian Congress Centre
Contributed oral by Martina Datteo
"Water on Graphene-Coated TiO2: Role of Atomic Vacancies"
Nanotech France 2018
The 4th edition of Nanotech France 2018 International Conference and Exhibition
Contributed oral by Daniele Selli:
"Modeling Realistic TiO2 Nanoparticles and Their Interaction with Water"
2018 E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit
2018 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting at the Convention Centre of Strasbourg.
Contributed oral by Daniele Selli:
"Modeling Realistic TiO2 Nanoparticles and Their Interaction with Water"
2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting at the Phoenix Convention Center.
Contributed oral by Gianluca Fazio:
"Photoexcited Carriers Recombination and Trapping in Realistic Spherical vs Faceted TiO2 Nanoparticles in Vacuum and
Aqueous Environment"
ISN2A 2018 Caparica Portugal
III International Symposium on Nanoparticles, Nano materials and Applications.
Invited oral by Cristiana Di Valentin:
"Modelling realistic TiO2 Nanoparticles, their photoactivation and interaction with water."
Swedish Theoretical Chemistry 2017
Swedish Theoretical Chemistry 2017 - Bridging gaps
Keynote lecture by Cristiana Di Valentin:
"Quantum chemical simulation of nanostructured materials: 2D sheets and 0D nanoparticles"
Chemistry for the future 2017
Chemistry for the future 2017 Conference
Plenary lecture by Cristiana Di Valentin:
"Quantum chemical simulation of nanostructured materials: 2D sheets and 0D nanoparticles."
Interdisciplinary Surface Science Conference
Oral by Daniele Selli:
"Interfaces: Modeling and Computational Strategies"
ACS2017 - The American Chemistry Society meeting
The American Chemistry Society meeting (ACS2017)
Invited talk by Cristiana Di Valentin:
The Graphene Conference 2017 Barcelona, Spain
Oral by Martina Datteo at the PhD students track A:
"Catalysis under cover: enhanced reactivity at the interface between (doped) graphene and anatase TiO2"